Enhance Your Code Efficiency with Java Records: Say Goodbye to Boilerplate

Explore how Java Records simplify code by removing boilerplate, supporting immutability, and optimizing Java application speed.

Enhance Your Code Efficiency with Java Records: Say Goodbye to Boilerplate


Java has consistently evolved to make coding more efficient and readable. Records help eliminate boilerplate code when defining data-centric classes, making Java applications more maintainable and less error-prone.

In this blog, we will explore what Java Records are, their benefits, use cases, and how to use them effectively. Additionally, we will discuss advanced applications of Records for experienced developers, including how they integrate with functional programming, concurrency, and serialization.

What are Java Records?

Traditionally, when creating a class to store data, developers need to define multiple components such as:

  • Fields

  • Constructor

  • Getters and setters

  • toString(), equals(), and hashCode() methods

This can make a class overly complex, harder to read, and difficult to maintain. Records solve this problem by allowing developers to define data-centric classes concisely.

A record is a special type of Java class that automatically generates all the necessary boilerplate code. All you need to do is declare the fields, and Java takes care of the rest.

Example of a Traditional Java Class vs. Java Record

Without Records (Traditional Java Class)

public class Employee {

    private final String name;
    private final Integer age;
    public Employee(String name, Integer age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public Integer getAge() {
        return age;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        Employee employee = (Employee) o;
        return Objects.equals(name, employee.name) && Objects.equals(age, employee.age);
    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(name, age);

With Java Records :

public record Employee(String name, int age) {}

The record automatically generates:

  • A constructor with all arguments

  • Getters (without the get prefix)

  • toString(), equals(), and hashCode() methods

Key Features of Java Records

1. Immutability

Records are immutable by default. This means that once an object is created, its values cannot be modified.

  • All fields in a record are private and final by default.

  • You cannot provide setter methods.

If you add mutable fields to a record, the reference to that field remains immutable within the record, but the values of the mutable object can still be modified. For example, if an ArrayList is used as a field in a record, you can retrieve its instance and alter its contents. To prevent unintended modifications, it is essential to explicitly handle this by always storing a copy/unmodifiable of the mutable object within the record.

public record EmployeeRecord(String name, int age, List<String> address) {}

EmployeeRecord recrods =  new EmployeeRecord("suraj",20, List.of("abc")); // List.of is create the list which can not be modified

// If we try to access the List from the records and modify it then it throws an expcetion 
List<String> add = recrods.address();
add.add("xyz"); // Unsupported Exception will came here

2. Accessor Methods

Unlike regular classes where getters follow the getX() convention, records use field names directly as method names.

3. Constructors in Records

Records come with a default parameterized constructor, but developers can define custom constructors to include validation, ensuring proper instantiation with correct values. Additionally, custom constructors can be used to define default values for record properties when needed.

public record EmployeeRecord(String name, int age, List<String> address) {
    public EmployeeRecord{
        if(age < 0){
            throw  new IllegalArgumentException("age should not ve negative"); // Validation for the fields
    public EmployeeRecord(String name){
        this(name, 0, new ArrayList<>()); // default values can be added

4. Adding Methods in Records

Records can have methods, but they should be limited to utility functions. Business logic should not be added in records.

public record EmployeeRecord(String name, int age, List<String> address) {

    public boolean isSeniorCitizen(){
        return age > 60;

Use Cases of Java Records

  1. Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

When working with REST APIs, microservices, or database layers, Records can be used as DTOs to efficiently pass data between layers.

public record UserDTO(String username, String email) {}
  1. Configuration Settings

If you have constant application configurations, Records help in maintaining them.

public record AppConfig(String baseUrl, int maxConnections) {}
  1. Event Payloads

In event-driven systems (Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.), Records ensure immutability while reducing boilerplate code.

public record EventPayload(String eventType, long timestamp, String data) {}

Advanced Use Cases of Java Records

  1. Concurrency Benefits of Records

Since records are immutable, they are inherently thread-safe, making them highly useful in multi-threaded applications and concurrent processing.

Example: Using Records in a Concurrent Application

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class ConcurrentExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
        Employee employee = new Employee("John", 40);

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            executor.submit(() -> System.out.println(employee));

Since records do not allow field modifications, multiple threads can safely share them without additional synchronization mechanisms.

  1. Using Records in Microservices and APIs

When developing REST APIs, Kafka consumers, or GraphQL services, using records as DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) can improve performance and reduce verbosity.

public record UserDTO(String username, String email) {}

This can be used directly in Spring Boot controllers:

public class UserController {
    public UserDTO getUser(@PathVariable String username) {
        return new UserDTO(username, "user@example.com");


Java Records provide a clean, efficient, and immutable way to handle data. They eliminate boilerplate code, improve readability, and enhance maintainability. While Records are great for data representation, they should not be used for business logic.

Key Takeaways:

Records eliminate the need for explicit constructors, getters, and methods like toString() and hashCode().They are immutable by default, making them safe for multi-threaded applications.Best suited for DTOs, configurations, and event payloads.Use defensive copying when dealing with mutable fields.

With Java's continuous evolution, Records simplify modern Java development, making your code more concise and easier to manage.

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